Last night as I was coaching my son Scout's football game our defense had their backs against the wall. The score was tied and the other team had 4th and goal. I gave them my final words of encouragement and instruction and I left the huddle. Back on the sideline I couldn't help but wonder, are they up for this? Did I call the right play? Did I have the right players in the right positions? This whistle blew, the play started… it was out of my hands now. Unfortunately, the other team scored. The officials embarrassed themselves by not calling a blatant penalty.
This morning I couldn't help but draw a comparison between this game and Life. Our Coach (Heavenly Father) has put us in the game at crunch time. He has faith in his team; he knows he has the right players in the right positions. When the whistle blows to start the play, how will we react? Do we know what to do? Have we "practiced" enough to recognize what play the other team is doing so we can make the play?
Heavenly Father has given us a playbook to serve as a guide. We can study the plays of those that have gone before us. We don't have to make the same mistakes that they did. The game plan is perfect, if we follow it, we will win. As with any football game, there will be penalties, incomplete passes and plays that don't make any yardage. That does not mean the game is over, we get to huddle up and call another play. How lucky are we to have UNLIMITED time outs in our game. We can call time out and talk to our coach whenever we want to.
As we get ready for our next big game ask yourself, "Am I ready?" If the answer is no, talk to your coach, read the playbook, and talk to the rest of your team. Just as 1 person cannot win a football game by himself, we do not have to play our game by ourselves. We have a huge team to help us block, run, and tackle and ultimately celebrate our victory with us.
The Ref is blowing his whistle, time for the next play
Ready…………..BREAK !