Raising a teenage girl is hard enough, a single dad raising a teenage daughter is even harder. My heart is aching for my daughter Mackenzie. She is suffering the heartache of young love. Even though she is not allowed to "date" until she turns 16 in September, I have not forbidden her from having friends that are boys. She swore he was just her best friend, but Im not THAT naive.
Mackenzie's "friend's" parents treated her pretty inconsiderately over the past few days. I'm sure they saw nothing wrong with what they were doing, but even if they didn't want her to hang out with her son they could have come out and said so instead of lying and filling her with false hope.
Of course, Mackenzie is mad, sad, frustrated... you name it. I try to tell her that she is only 15 and there is so much more in life. She doesnt want to hear it when I tell her she doesnt need to have a boy that she "really likes".
Mackenzie is a beautiful girl, and gets plenty of attention from boys. She doesn't need to feel like they give her feeling of importance and worth.
Why can't they just say "little girls" a little bit longer?